Many pet owners consider their pets as part the family. One concrete example of expressing this is by giving the animals human names.
However, like any family member pets need that extra care to stay healthy and eventually live a happy and enjoyable life. One way of being a responsible pet owner is by purchasing pet insurance. Pet insurance helps a pet owner manage veterinary bills that become costly especially when they pile up.
Pets can become sick even in the safest of homes. These is no “pet-proofed” home anywhere, as possible hazards can be seen in those are supposedly best protected. Pet owners should always prepare for the unexpected.
Given the wide selection of pet insurance available in the market, a pet owner should be very careful on making a decision on which companies to choose. Basic pet insurance cover vet bills and simple procedures such as minor surgeries and diagnostic exams. One of the top companies in the US offering pet insurance is VPI Pet Insurance.
Compared to human health insurance, pet insurance will considerably less expensive. Companies normally pay 80% to 90% of a worker’s health insurance.
A new US government study discovered that the average premium paid by a small corporations reaches $3,003,31 for every employee. The average worker only contributes only around $400. A VPI pet insurance policy will only cost approximately $1 daily.
VPI Pet Insurance is the oldest and biggest health insurance provider for pets in the US. The company has been in the industry since 1982. VPI is dedicated to make veterinary medicine widely available for all pet owners.
Those covered by VPI include bids, cats, dogs, exotic pets. VPI’s policies cover over thousands of medical problems and conditions and injury resulting from accidents. VPI Pet Insurance is underwritten by the Veterinary Pet Insurance Company in California and is available in all US states.
Pet owners will have the freedom to secure the best care for their pet with a VPI pet insurance. VPI will free the pet owner from the stress or worrying about how to pay costly veterinary bills. The company features a well organized claims system that is easy to understand.
Claiming a policy with VPI Pet Insurance is easy. Pet owners only need to:
– Visit a licensed veterinarian or specialist.
– Pay the fees for every visit.
– Request a veterinary staff member to list the pet’s diagnosis.
– The original veterinary invoice must be signed and mailed to VPI.
VPI will reimburse payments directly made to the veterinarian and the policy will be adjusted. A pet owner will be required to wait 14 days before the policy is approved.
VPI does not have list of preferred veterinarians. All vets will be approved as long as they are duly licensed.
Pet owners that enroll more than one pet will be given a 5-10% discount to help them cope with the extra expenses. VPI pet insurance also offer a monthly payment plan for budget conscious clients.
A pet owner’s claim will be based on the plan’s benefit schedule. The VPI Standard Plan Benefit and the VPI Superior Plan Schedule are based on the US average of how much vets charge for services. The policy will take care of 90% of the Benefit Schedule allowance for each incident under the plan during every policy period after eligible expenses are deducted.
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